Social insurance agencies shall issue documents to the unemployed on the basis of which they receive unemployment insurance compensation from designated bank. 社会保险经办机构为失业人员开具领取失业保险金的单证,失业人员凭单证到指定银行领取失业保险金。
The time period of receiving unemployment insurance compensation may be calculated together with the previous period in which he should have received but have not received unemployment insurance compensation, but the maximum time period may not be longer than 24 months. 领取失业保险金的期限可以与前次失业应领取而尚未领取的失业保险金的期限合并计算,但是最长不得超过24个月。
Article 19 The unemployed who receive medical treatment during the period of receiving unemployment insurance compensation, may apply for medical subvention from social insurance agencies. 第十九条失业人员在领取失业保险金期间患病就医的,可以按照规定向社会保险经办机构申请领取医疗补助金。
C.conduct supervision and inspection on collection of unemployment insurance premium and payment of unemployment insurance compensation. (三)对失业保险费的征收和失业保险待遇的支付进行监督检查。
Unemployment insurance compensation is paid monthly by social insurance agencies. 失业保险金由社会保险经办机构按月发放。
If the time period of paying premiums is not less than ten years, the maximum period of receiving unemployment insurance compensation is 24 months; 累计缴费时间10年以上的,领取失业保险金的期限最长为24个月。
Article 20 If the unemployed die during the period of receiving unemployment insurance compensation, their family dependents are to be paid one-off funeral allowance and pension with reference to local regulations on employed staff and workers. 第二十条失业人员在领取失业保险金期间死亡的,参照当地对在职职工的规定,对其家属一次性发给丧葬补助金和抚恤金。
The unemployed are entitled to receive other unemployment insurance benefits during the period of receiving unemployment insurance compensation. 失业人员在领取失业保险金期间,按照规定同时享受其他失业保险待遇。
Article14Qualifications for the unemployed who may receive unemployment insurance compensation are as follows 第十四条具备下列条件的失业人员,可以领取失业保险金
C.funeral allowance for the unemployed died during the period of receiving unemployment insurance compensation and pension for spouse and direct relatives supported by the dead person; 领取失业保险金期间死亡的失业人员的丧葬补助金和其供养的配偶、直系亲属的抚恤金;
In many cases, if it isn't clearcut, the unemployment office will lean towards the unemployed job seeker, rather than the employer, when making a decision on unemployment compensation benefits. 很多时候,如果说不清楚了,失业赔偿的仲裁通常都会偏向失业者而不是雇主。
We will continue to increase basic pension for enterprise retirees and upgrade the standard of unemployment insurance and workers 'compensation. We will raise the level of basic cost of living allowances in both urban and rural areas and welfare allowances for those rural residents without family support. 继续提高企业退休人员基本养老金,提高失业保险金和工伤保险金标准,提高城乡低保、农村五保等保障水平。
Unemployment insurance compensation is to be accounted from the day registration. 失业保险金自办理失业登记之日起计算。
The improvement of the economy reduces the deficit automatically as tax receipts rise and payments for programs like unemployment compensation fall. 随着税收逐渐增多,失业救济等支出项目不断减少,经济好转将自动降低赤字。
Schroder decisively lowered pension costs and unemployment compensation, and he gave companies more flexibility with hiring and layoffs. 施罗德决定降低养老金和失业金,给予公司更多的招聘裁员灵活权。
OVERVIEW: Appellee state sought to collect from appellant corporation a deficiency in the payment of contributions to the state unemployment compensation fund. 案件综述:被上诉人要求上诉人缴纳应当支付给州失业补偿基金的差额。
A government that undertakes responsibility for the welfare of its citizens through programs in public health and public housing and pensions and unemployment compensation etc.. 政府对公民的健康住房保险等福利项目负责。
The same can be said with the trickier concept of unemployment compensation insurance/ benefits. 失业补偿保险/失业救济金这一较为复杂的概念也是如此。
Representative shall pay all taxes and contributions required of Representative under social security and unemployment compensation laws; 代表人应该支付所有社会福利和法定失业补偿必须的税款和物资;
Information provided to an unemployment insurance claimant for the purpose of explaining the individual's rights and responsibilities under the applicable state unemployment compensation law or federal law. 向失业保险申领人提供的信息,以便根据适用的州失业赔偿法或联邦法律解释个人的权利和责任。
The court held that the activity of appellant's salesmen was not only substantial, but also gave rise to the obligation to contribute to the unemployment compensation fund. 最高法院认定上诉人的销售人员的行为不仅是构成实质存在的条件,而且也构成了需要缴纳实业补偿基金的义务。
In contrast, workers who are laid off and unemployed can file claims for unemployment compensation, which results in a financial burden for the government. 相反,下岗和失业的工人可以提交索取失业补偿金,这将导致政府有财政负担。
The financial impact on an individual family may be cushioned by the availability of unemployment compensation. 各家庭所受的财政方面的压力由于有失业救济金而可能稍有缓和。
Medical subvention during the period of receiving unemployment insurance compensation; 领取失业保险金期间的医疗补助金;
These include: social security, workers compensation, unemployment compensation, insurance, and retirement benefits. 这些福利包括:社会保障金,工人补偿金,失业补偿津贴,保险,以及退休金。
C.checking and determining unemployment insurance benefits, and issuing documents for the unemployed by which they receive unemployment insurance compensation and or other subsidies from designated banks; 按照规定核定失业保险待遇,开具失业人员在指定银行领取失业保险金和其他补助金的单证;
A public expenditure ( as for unemployment compensation or veteran's benefits) that is not for goods and services. 非商业的公共支出(如付给失业人员的补偿费或退休人员的福利)。
Started from our country's particular historical period, the reference of unemployment compensation should be a system combining "earning-related" and minimum standard of life insurance. 从我国所处特殊历史时期出发,失业保险金的参照系应采收入关联与社会最低生活保障线相结合制度。
At present, the scholars have different opinions on this question. This article mainly introduce four common viewpoints, which are the theory of violation marital contract, the social security, the unemployment compensation, and the extending protection of nurture duty between husband and wife. 目前,学者们对这一问题意见不一,本文主要介绍了四种常见的观点,分别是违反婚姻契约说、社会保障补充说、失业补助说和夫妻扶养义务延伸保护说。